Energetic Footprints

Energetic Footprints… What do you leave behind?

“Take only pictures and leave only footprints.”

If you have spent time in nature you have probably come across this saying. Simply translated: do not remove nature from its home, take with you only pictures of its beauty and don’t leave your trash behind- only the prints from the steps you take. How can we apply this saying to our daily lives? We can ask ourselves a few questions. When we depart from a place or situation what picture do we take with us? What is our mental and emotional imprint and What kind of energetic footprint do we leave behind?

Science has already proven that everything is a vibration from the chair we sit on, to the car we drive in, to the thoughts we think and words we say.

mentally and emotionally- plays a significant role in our ability to attract positive experiences.

The vibration of our “bodies”- physically,

The higher our vibration, the stronger the “magnet” we are to the positive vibrations we hold in

our mind.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What

we think, we become.” ~Buddha

How do we raise our vibrations so we can manifest the positive experiences we hold in our

mind? We first begin by increasing our positive thoughts in order to decrease the negative ones.

By continuing to fill our mind with positive thoughts and experiences, the negative thoughts will

no longer have a space to dwell. It’s like taking a glass of soda and adding water. If we

continue to add water the soda becomes diluted and eventually spills over and dissipates. We

are then left with only water. When we apply this to positive thinking, not only does this leave us

with our mind, body and emotions full of positivity, it allows us to leave this positive vibrational

footprint behind with every step we take. Energy is contagious!

When we constantly take in the

positive energy from our surroundings, it will be visible in the outer world. By leaving positive

energetic footprints behind,

others will be able to “catch” the positive vibes and carry them on

with every step they take, and so on and so on and so on. Just think of the shift in

consciousness we can help create. Here are a few simple “steps to take” into a world of


  1. Smile.
    What makes you smile? A smile is only a memory away. Everyday thinks of thing that make

    you smile. Share your smile with others.

  2. Compliment more, criticize and complain less.

    We must not to forget ourselves, so compliment your self and others daily.

  3. Attitude of Gratitude.
    Acknowledge 3 great things in your life everyday, even if you repeat them
  4. Exercise.
    Yoga, Pilates, walking, hiking, dancing etc…. exercise increases the feel good endorphins in the brain. AND it keeps the physical body healthy & happy.
  5. Breathe.
    Staying connected to the breath keeps the mind connected to the body. This helps keep us present and in the moment. Try ‘Long Exhales’ to let go of tension, stress, worries and blood pressure to name a few. Breathing through the nose, inhale for 3 counts, exhale for 5 to 6 counts. Do not strain! If necessary, reduce counts to 2:4 respectively.
  6. Get a hobby or leisure activity.
    What do you like to do for FUN? Enjoy life and make sure to spend some time in nature.
  7. Live with integrity.
    Speak as though everyone can hear you.
    “As we think, speak and act so our world becomes.”
  8. Get quality sleep.
    Omit all electronics an hour before bed, Read something inspiring, or think of what makes you smile and focus upon that feeling for several minutes before you fall asleep. The state in which you fall asleep can play an integral role in the state in which you awake.
  9. Listen to positive uplifting music.
    Music can be very uplifting and healing, so choose your sound wisely.
  10. Perform random acts of kindness.
    They do not need to be complicated or expensive. Simple things such as holding the door open, helping someone with their groceries, allowing the car in traffic to go ahead of you are such acts.

One day my younger son Lukas, 13years old, was buying lunch at a little sandwich shop when a gentleman dressed in a nice suit and tie offered to pay his bill. My son, stunned at the man’s gesture graciously thanked him for the offer and stated “I’m ok I have money”. The man just smiled and said, “Save your money, lunch is on me today.” Lukas was so surprised by this he was practically speechless when he came back to the car. His first impression was this man must be rich, “He was dressed up in a suit and tie and pulled a bunch of money out of his wallet, and did you see the car he drove off in? It was nice!” – Lukas exclaimed. Then I noticed my first reaction; I didn’t even get a chance to thank this man, how was I going to show my appreciation for what he did for my son? It’s not everyday that a stranger foots the bill for lunch. I sat for a moment before I spoke and just soaked in the feeling gratitude and deep appreciation I felt. Both of us sat there in the car with big smiles upon our faces. Wow a simple gesture had left us smiling, grateful and now inspired to do the same. I explained to my son this had nothing to do with money and now it was his turn to pay it forward and do something nice for someone else. Again his thoughts turned to the money and he stated he didn’t have the money to buy someone’s lunch. “Have you ever helped a stranger, neighbor or friend?”, I asked. “Of course” he replied. He has always been a helpful child, holding doors, carrying groceries, helping neighbors etc.. “Then its simple,” I said, “Just keep doing good deeds for those who may need an extra helping hand.” This was a great example for him to see how his good deeds came back to him and how he can continue this cycle of positive footprints.


“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.” –




What kind of footprints do you leave behind?

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